Tuesday, December 4, 2012

the bi polar bear.

once upon a time there was a bear who lived in the city of imagination. this bear grew-up surrounded by beauty and love, but was not happy. not knowing why, i mean everyone around this animal seemed to have direction and meaning why didn't this bear? being very upset about this it experimented with the world around. experimented with art, love, thought and most of all pain, because pain seemed to make the most sense out of it all.The rules were simple and the degrees were varying. but soon enough pain didn't distract the bear from the real reason he was being so avaunt-gaurd, which was still to find the meaning of it all. this bear was very sad, so it smoked some ganja and forgot about all the pain and hate and fighting. all that was left was love. love for the world and love for the little things that were its favorite like honey and sunshine. the bear will always be looking for the answer, but for now he gets an A for participating.

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